The Fabulous Wailers The Fabulous Wailers

                    Contact information for
                     The Fabulous Wailers

                Upcoming events and releases!
                           Check our calendar

    " Whereas Tacoma's original Wailers are
             acknowledged as the founders of
                    Northwest rock and roll...
                be it resolved... we proclaim
   December 28th as Wailers' Day in Tacoma."
         Tacoma" - Mayor, Doug Southerland

Thank you for stopping by and visiting our website.

For Bookings or Questions Contact Us

1-888-532-4579 ext. 04

The Fabulous Wailers
P.O. Box 45068
Tacoma, WA 98448


webmaster issues: that graphic

Be sure to visit the Wailers Performing Arts Foundation Website by clicking
the WPAF link below.  If you would like to be a mentor for a child,
have an instrument to donate, or would like to work with the Board of Directors,
please follow the contact information on the WPAF site.


The Fabulous Wailers Promo and Stage Plot

For your convenience we have provided a printable press release below.
Click on Band image for larger version


Copyright 2009 Property of The Fabulous Wailers.